About Me

I thought you should know a little about me, so here it goes...
My name is Emily. (Just in case you didn't know) I'm a 14 years old and I love dancing, baking, and fashion. Or anything else that can get crafty, for that matter, such as sewing. (except I'm not amazing) I believe in long, cozy winters, hot summers spent by the pool, and a good cup of tea.  I'm a huge nerd, but you couldn't guess it unless you talked to me for about 10 minutes. And just so you know, the best things to nerd out over are ALWAYS British. Maybe that's because the British are just cool. Anyway, my guess is you don't want me to just drone on and on, so I'll stop now. Actually, one more thing...Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Dude I FOUND YOUR BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
